About Us

‘It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance…’

– Thomas Huxley

Our Story

The landscape of law firms axiomatically is focused onto Corporate Advisory Service with industry or sector specific specialisation and counsel briefing, in case of litigation. Partners and associates at Vidhi Legal are a amalgam of Corporate Advisory and accomplished litigation lawyers with a cumulative experience of more than FIFTY YEARS in litigation. The underpinning philosophy at Vidhi Legal is to infuse a subscription based approach in providing end-to-end in-house solution both in case of non-litigation portfolio and engagement at all stages of litigation, bringing on the table a cost-effective yet result oriented deliverables. Social sensitivity is amongst the key driver in Vidhi Legal’s professional commitment, and is firmly rooted to the belief that law isn’t a static set of commandments rather is dynamic and is an organic harbinger to the social evolutionary grid of aspirations and value systems touching upon the individuals constituting the social milieu.

We at Vidhi Legal are conscious of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s timeless observance in the judgment  of Zahira Shaikh Versus State of Gujarat where the  ideals and benchmark of Advocacy to secure justice has been so aptly exhorted :

It was significantly said that law, to be just and fair has to be seen devoid of flaw. It has to keep promise to  justice and it cannot stay petrified and sit non-challantly. The law should not be seen to sit by limply, while  those who defy it go free and those who seek its protection loose hope (See Jennison v. Backer (1972 (1) All ER 1006). Increasingly, people are believing as observed by SALMON quoted by Diogenes Laertius in “Lives of the Philosophers” laws are like spiders’ webs: if some light or powerless thing falls into them, it is caught, but a bigger one can break through and get away”. Jonathan Swift, in his “Essay on the Faculties of the Mind” said in similar lines: “Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets  break through”.

Protecting the Law

Partners of Vidhi Legal are involved in both litigation and non-litigation areas of practice viz. cross border transactions, overseas joint venture agreements, mergers and acquisitions and is associated with sector specialists in the field of Mining, Power/Energy & Infrastructure.

For routine attendance in various locations 47 Advocates of repute are Associated across various Courts/Tribunals.

Partners Profile

Adv. Partho Sarkar

Adv. Partho Sarkar


Adv. Partho Sarkar is a Qualified Chartered Accountant & Law Graduate; Practised as a Chartered Accountant for around 17 years, and also been a Senior Corporate Professional; Adv. Partho is consulted for his in-depth knowledge & understanding of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Laws and is a legal re-course to multiple Resolution Professionals at various stages of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code – Structuring Expression of Interest & Corporate Resolution Process; Running Bid Process; Special Investigation; Legal Due-Diligence & Liquidation Process – his ability lies in converging of macro level strategic inputs to micro level implementation related legal issues.

Adv. Partho’s cross functional experience in Civil & Criminal Laws has leveraged  him to approach litigation under IBC laws and NPA Act from a holistic perspective; effectively blending  interplay of multiple laws which has been very well-received by the Legal & Resolution Professional’s  fraternity and he is acknowledged as a thought leader in IBC Laws.

Adv. Rajendra Shah

Adv. Rajendra Shah


Focus areas of practice: Income Tax & GST Laws: Practicing as a Litigation Counsel and is consultant to numerous clients in Direct & Indirect Tax Laws for more than three decades. Adv. Rajendra is offering professional services to numerous HNI clients in Central India in respect of family estate settlement, tax & succession planning; he has been able to successfully strategize tax planning in accordance with the ever changing fiscal ecology to deliver desired results on real time basis. Adv. Rajendra has a well supported team and believes in leading from the front and his sheer dedication, team spirit and zeal have led him to carve a niche for himself within the Firm.

Adv. Parag Jadhav

Adv. Parag Jadhav


A qualified law graduate; and practicing as an Advocate for more than 15 years, Adv. Parag is advisor to various corporates for the past one decade, in structuring and formulating, acquisition and transfer of immovable properties viz. buy-sell-lease-long term mortgage in drafting & registration of term-sheets, various deeds/agreements with various statutory authorities.

Adv. Parag is advising and appearing for his non-institutional clientle in Service & Employment Laws; Laws of Local Bodies; Property Laws;

Adv. Parag has carved a  niche in all branches of Criminal Laws – White Collared Crimes, Narcotics Act, Domestic Violence, His hands-on approach right from trial to appellate stage is  being widely acknowledged .

Adv. Pratik Sarkar

Adv. Pratik Sarkar


A qualified engineering & law graduate and an ex-banker, is specialised in Banking Laws, NPA Act, Economic & Financial Laws, Service Laws.

Adv. Pratik is also credited of handling and advising on complex litigation issues relating to IBC laws, Companies Act, legislative challenges and regulatory disputes as to Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India.

Leading the research team for litigation support, Adv. Pratik brings a unique ability of analysing intractable complex most litigious issues to solvable micro-bytes fortified by repertoire of Authorities and Citations.

Our Associates

Adv. Ashutosh Mishra

Adv. Ashutosh Mishra

An IIT ian and Former Executive Director, Transparency International India, Adv. Ashutosh has carved a niche for himself in Competition Laws, Anti Corruption Laws, Property Laws, Corporate Governance And Compliance Management. Adv. Ashutosh is a Legal Advisor to multiple NGO’s and their initiatives viz. ‘PTF’ an US based Think Tank, ‘Construction Sector Transparency Initiative’ ‘Commonwealth Secretariat’ ‘Global Siemens Integrity Initiative in alliance with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for promotion of Responsible Business Practices by Corporates’.

Adv. Vijay Kurle

Adv. Vijay Kurle

An ex-banker with more than half-a-decade experience with frontline private sector banks and practicing as an advocate nearing a decade; Adv. Vijay  brings forth cross functional experience of Banking and Criminal Laws and is credited with successful handling of litigation under Negotiable Instruments Act, RERA Laws, Local Bodies Act, Labour Laws & Trade Unions Act. Adv. Vijay quite often than not is identified with the cause of less privileged and is underpinned in emphasising access to affordable and quality legal support to the person standing last in the queue, lest the social fabric is put to strain.

Strength Is Togetherness